I am delighted that my book 'Essence of Nature' was chosen as one of the winners of AIGA, NY Design's 50 book | 50 covers competition of 2023.
The publication
is included in the Butler Library, Columbia University, NY, USA.
'Essence of Nature' 2023
New work
In harmony with nature:
My work is an ode to nature. In the quiet works on paper - prints of collected flowers and branches - I look to subtly portray the depth of a spiritual meaning in nature. Every leaf, every branch I find, carries a story for me, a silent thought that I bring to life through my hands and eyes.
The elements of earth, such as clay and soil, form the base of my sculptures. They are a direct homage to the primal source of the biosphere. It is earth that nourishes us and connect us.This theme runs as an invisible thread throughout my work.
In everything I create, I search for the connection between the large and the small, between the tangible and the invisible. A constant search for the soul of nature.
Serie 'Original plants' - unique work, 2024
Triptych original press #67,68,69, ink on PVC, 100 x 49,5 cm each, unique work. 2024
Inspired by photographer Hiroshi Sugimoto who used light as a pigment to create a new kind of painting, Herma uses the iris-print technique
to create an image of dawn. She carefully selects inks and by the act
of making an iris-print draws unexpected alluring gradations. The transformation of these gradations are suggesting timeframes of dawn and inspire the viewer to stand still for a moment. The outcomes on
print are works shrouded in mystery.
Irisprint #66 OW, ink on 30 gr paper, 96 x 140 cm, unique work. 2023
Fossil #01
A fossil, to Herma, means a legacy of lost nature. Within her work she focusses on the research of soft fossils – remains that become visible after uncovering it, layer for layer. This unfolding method inspired her to make a ‘new fossil’. The work Fossil #01 shows the vulnerability and fragility of nature casted in a hard material. Within this solid object she wants to capture the changing nature she has been observing during her life and career as an artist.
Fossil #01, bronze, 80x80cm
unique work. 2024
Fossil #02, bronze, 57x37cm
unique work. 2024
Earth’s crest, serie of four, bronze. 2023-2024
Earth’s crest detail, bronze. 2023
Earth’s crest, work in progress, 2024